Tapping into Freedom: How EFT Broke My Relationship Spin Cycle

Uncategorized Jul 15, 2024

Tap Into Freedom is a magical mind-heart-body healing modality that I have tailored to help each client find freedom in a unique way. I integrate the Emotional Freedom Technique with other modalities such as IFS parts work, NLP and somatic sex education practices as needed to enhance sessions and have a 100% success rate. 

This unique blend creates truly life-altering transformation & freedom. Don't just take my word for it! Here's what a recent client experienced: 

"For the past 3 years I was trapped in a spin cycle of drama and push-pull dynamics in my primary romantic relationship. Despite both our best efforts to break the cycle, and lots of love underlying it all, I was unable to stabilize myself.

I wasn't able to say "no" to getting back together with her, sabotaging myself and my spoken intentions again and again - even breaking written agreements due to the grip this dynamic had on me, causing pain for me, her, and many of my friends. 

It is with awed relief and gratitude that I share that Victoria Angel Heart's Tap Into Freedom was a pivotal support in helping me actually break free.

Victoria offered me her unique brand of EFT tapping to help me create a new reality.

Now, I've done plenty of EFT, by myself, with coaches, and from books & youtube.

Nothing has moved or impacted me as deeply as Victoria' approach to tapping.

She is certified in Sonya Sophia's EFT lineage as well as a butt-ton of other modalities like NLP, all of which fuse together informing her epic capacity to help folks shift painful, difficult patterns.

At first I was skeptical.

I filled out a google form intake, where I listed all my issues, and then Victoria fed it into an AI to supercharge the session…

(Not even joking 🤖)

While we tapped she masterfully attuned to the present-moment signals she was perceiving and adjusted the session to meet me with exactly what I needed.

The first session made me feel different but I was still skeptical.

The second session, holy crap.

I really knew I was in different waters. I was supported to exit the painful relational dynamic entirely, and amazed myself by doing so.

But then, I had a very typical and familiar, painful trigger come up….

A trigger I encountered many times in that former relationship, one that brought out my worst aggression and most dehumanizing thoughts.

Victoria saw me while I was filled with rage, walked up to me, and started tapping on me.

I had never felt so embraced in my anger and aggression in my entire life.

She continued to permit my rage in all of its fullness, while also supporting me in moving through it.

Soon enough I was sobbing in her embrace, accessing years of stored up hurt that had been hiding underneath the anger.

Crying so freely - ugly crying, wailing, sobbing - while being reassured of my loveability, connected to my self-respect, and feeling so supported by her, I could move beyond the hurt and not get stuck in it...

I left that impromptu session feeling lighter than I had in a long time, able to just be present with my life, and to enjoy a weekend festival whereas I may have been angry and ruminating and pre-occupied otherwise.

Finally came the ultimate test - seeing my ex-partner in the flesh, a month after our final separation.

Before seeing her, I was terrified. I was horny. I felt desperate. I felt all the things. I was certain I was going to relapse.

I told Victoria how freaked out I was, and she gave me an emergency session.

In this third session, we worked through my fear of relapsing, my remaining desperate longing, my grief — and ultimately I connected to my sovereignty and self-love and healthy boundaries.

I left the session feeling resourced, clear, and in control of a pattern that had regularly devastated my life for years - despite multiple therapists, books, plant medicine ceremonies, and endless processing with friends & community.

And when I actually saw my ex-partner, we got trapped in an elevator together for a little bit!!…

… and it was fine. Nothing weird happened.

I was able to see her with love, and stay in my sovereignty. No desperation, no push-pull.

When we shared a hug it felt as if we were just kindred souls who had met for the first time.

It was at this point that I could clearly attribute this success to Victoria. I had finished the secure attachment coaching container already. That helped too — but I am convinced I could not have handled the challenge without Victoria.

I could not be more grateful, amazed, relieved, humbled, by the gift of this healing and the hope I feel now for a more aligned life.

Victoria asked nothing of me in return, except to invite me to share the profound impact she's had.

There's a scene in Ted Lasso where he criticizes the therapist, saying she's only listening to him for the money.

She asks him, "would you coach soccer for free?", and he says "absolutely". Then the therapist asks "so why do you accept money for it?". Ted relents, finally dropping his guard.

In my opinion there is nothing more honorable than to make a livelihood of one's genius skill that can truly help people.

Try out her one on one EFT tapping https://www.victoriaangelheart.com/tap

I cannot recommend this modality highly enough.

I've seen her work with multiple people and get PROFOUND results.

The standard of healing prowess in our little Bay Area community is extraordinarily high, and I would rank what she's doing in the top 5% in terms of effectiveness.

If you want to make a change in your life, if something is bothering you, if you're stuck in a pattern, if you want to break free of something...

Talk to Victoria. (And share this out if you have a friend who is stuck)"


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