Traditional Talk Therapy Can't Do It All

Are you trapped in a cycle of traditional talk therapy, intellectually aware of your patterns but still feeling like an emotional robot?

Week after week, you show up, discuss your issues, and leave with insights, but the real changes you crave in your beliefs, thoughts, and actions remain frustratingly out of reach.

While you understand your behaviors, you're still going through the motions, disconnected from your true feelings.

This cognitive-heavy approach often fails to break you out of the robotic routine, leaving you emotionally stuck and yearning for deeper transformation.

You long to feel genuinely connected - not just to others, but to yourself, your emotions, and your spiritual core.

You're seeking support that goes beyond surface-level discussions, something that creates tangible, lasting change in your daily life.

You know there's more to healing than just talking - you need to feel, to embody, to truly connect with your authentic self.

Without addressing these crucial emotional and spiritual components, you remain caught in a loop, unable to fully experience the freedom and empowerment you desire, and struggling to maintain the positive changes you work so hard to achieve.


Pain & Suffering 

Break free from emotional burdens and the old beliefs that hold you back.

Imagine a life where your past no longer dictates your present.

Through this work, you'll learn to identify and release deep-seated emotional pain and traumatic memories.

We'll work together to uncover and challenge the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, replacing them with empowering perspectives.

This process isn't just about temporary relief; it's about fundamentally changing how your brain and body respond to stress and emotional triggers.

As you shed these burdens, you'll feel lighter, more resilient, and better equipped to face life's challenges with a sense of inner peace and strength.

By the time we're done, you'll be handling life's curveballs with a sense of inner peace that'll make you wonder why you didn't do this sooner.

& Accept Yourself

Cultivate deep self-compassion and embrace all aspects of your being.

Self-love is more than just a concept; it's a transformative force that can reshape your entire life experience, and it's the foundation of EFT.

In our work together, you'll learn to cultivate genuine self-compassion that goes beyond surface-level affirmations.

We'll explore techniques to quiet your inner critic and amplify your inner advocate.

You'll discover how to embrace all aspects of yourself - your strengths, your vulnerabilities, your light, and your shadow.

This isn't about becoming perfect; it's about accepting your whole self with kindness and understanding.

As you develop this deep self-acceptance, you'll find it easier to set healthy boundaries, make choices aligned with your true values, and foster more authentic relationships with others.

Experience Integrated Embodiment

Integrate mind, body, and spirit to experience life joyfully in the present.

This is where it all comes together - mind, body, and spirit in one awesome package of who you truly are.

Empowerment becomes embodied as you create a new reality for yourself through EFT.

You'll learn how to really be present, not just physically, but fully embodied in each moment, listening to the wisdom that lives within you.

It's about syncing up your thoughts, feelings, and actions with who you really are at your core.

As you get the hang of this, you'll notice you're more tuned in to your intuition, you're enjoying life more, and you're rolling with the punches better.

Through this work, you'll discover a new way of being in the world - one that feels authentic, empowered, and deeply connected to your own inner wisdom and the world around you.

How Does The Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) Work?

This powerful holistic healing technique combines ancient Chinese acupressure principles with modern psychology to resolve a wide range of issues.
EFT goes beyond traditional therapy by addressing not just your mind, but your heart, body, and spirit as well.
The focus is on love and acceptance, cultivating empathy for the parts of you that need to be acknowledged, and creating new positive possibilities.
EFT recalibrates your brain's responses to stimuli, effectively reprogramming your body and brain to function optimally.
By tapping on specific meridian points while focusing on negative emotions or unresolved problems, you can send calming signals to your brain, allowing you to feel relaxed and in control.
This approach is holistic, practical, and tailored to your unique journey. We don't just talk about change – you'll be guided through transformative experiences that create lasting results in your daily life.

Who Is Victoria?

I'm a busy, spiritual professional, just like you! I understand the challenges you face trying to be a spiritual being having a human experience in the modern era. Once upon a time, I studied at Oxford University, did Teach For America, received a Fulbright Scholarship, graduated with a Masters in Teacher Leadership and certified as a mindfulness meditation teacher at UCLA. Eventually, I burned out, and decided to pursue a path that was more aligned with my soul's calling. 

Now, I'm a trained coach, mindfulness meditation teacher, embodied intimacy coach and psychedelic guide (along with many other certifications!). Tapping is only one modality I use - I also work with somatic sex education, plant medicines and non-ordinary states of consciousness to take clients deep into their hearts to heal trauma and experience more of who you truly are. 

As your guide, I bring a breadth of expertise to help you process, metabolize, and ultimately feel more free. I'm certified and/or trained in:

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) from Sonya Sophia and EFT International 
  • Psychedelic Neurolinguistic Programming
  • Mindfulness Meditation from UCLA
  • Tapping out of Trauma
  • The Full Voice Method
  • Somatic Attachment Therapy
  • The Tamura Method of Conscious Energetic Touch
  • The Wheel of Consent
  • Somatic Sex Education

Say Yes to Embodied Empowerment Today!


Have Questions About Coaching?

Send Victoria an email and she will be in touch! 

Or directly book a call with Victoria here: