Are you ready to break free from limiting beliefs and unlock your true potential?


Tap Into Freedom offers a revolutionary approach to personal transformation, combining the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) with the gentle wisdom of psychedelic journeying.


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This is for you if...

If any of these resonate with you, you're not alone. Many driven individuals, from psychedelic practitioners-in-training to seasoned personal growth enthusiasts, find themselves at this crossroads.

The Power of EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a powerful tool for rewiring neural pathways and releasing emotional blockages by promoting love and acceptance of what is and choosing to create a new reality. By stimulating specific meridian points while focusing on particular issues, EFT creates a mind-body connection that can rapidly shift deeply ingrained patterns. This evidence-based approach has been shown to reduce anxiety, alleviate PTSD symptoms, and promote lasting emotional healing. EFT works directly with your brain's neuroplasticity, calming the nervous system and creating an optimal state for rewiring old patterns into new, empowering beliefs and behaviors. 

The Magic of Psilocybin

Psilocybin, the active compound in sacred mushrooms, offers profound potential for neural growth and emotional breakthroughs. Research has shown that psilocybin can increase brain network integration, potentially facilitating cognitive flexibility and emotional processing. It promotes neurogenesis, the growth of new neurons, particularly in areas crucial for learning and memory. By temporarily quieting the default mode network, psilocybin allows us to step outside habitual thought patterns, offering fresh perspectives and insights that can catalyze personal growth and healing. We work with doses just low enough to create a lightly altered state while remaining fully present and oriented.

 The Synergy of Psychedelic EFT

When combined, EFT and psilocybin create a uniquely powerful environment for transformation. The neuroplasticity-boosting effects of psilocybin amplify EFT's effectiveness, allowing for deeper, more lasting changes than either approach alone. This synergy enables you to access and rewrite core beliefs with unprecedented ease, while the structured approach of EFT helps to anchor and integrate the insights gained during the psilocybin journey. Together, they offer a path to profound healing, enhanced self-understanding, and the ability to break free from long-standing patterns, opening doors to new possibilities in your life and consciousness.

Befriend Your Mind, Transform Your Life Through a Psychedelic EFT Journey

Tap Into Freedom utilizes Victoria's signature Psychedelic EFT protocol in a four hour ceremony, supplemented by preparation and integration. Woven in are aspects of IFS, NLP, Hypnosis, Integral Psychedelic Therapy, and Tapping out of Trauma.
This is a unique combination that allows you to make friends with all of your parts & learn to accept your emotions so you can transform your life from the inside out.
Neuroplasticity-boosting practices like EFT, enhanced by psilocybin, aid in creating new neural connections that help you challenge old beliefs and experiences, opening up new possibilities for positive change.
You will experience deep emotional and spiritual healing, helping you release old patterns and step into a new chapter of your life, free from the fear, shame, guilt and anxiety that have held you back.
When done in community, you experience the power of collective and transpersonal healing, too. 


What You'll Gain

Don't let another day pass feeling stuck or disconnected from your true potential. Tap Into Freedom today and embark on a journey to befriend your mind and transform your life.


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